Monday, May 10, 2010

Depth and details.

I've started going with my bro and sis-in-law to Sunday night church at their church. It's a spiritually deep church, full of big words like sanctification, holy grace, redeemed....well, it's just challenging stuff which I love.

We are studying Exodus - right now, Moses. You know one thing the minister mentioned last week - the water is not to be disregard. Moses was put in a basket as a baby and delivered by that water. Later, he would deliver God's people right in the middle of the Red Sea (another body of water). He was delivered as a baby, God used him to deliver as a man. Seriously. God does not miss any detail.

I also heard last night that flesh is not "the body" as we tend to make it.....rather it is the untamed soul not in congruence with God's desires. Good stuff to think about.

Loving my soul being fed again.

(Image: RED SEA)