Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A big ole S on my forehead.

I love Elisabeth Elliott. I love her heart, her desire for Christ, her willingness to tell it like it is. Not always do I agree with how hard-core she is, but most often in her books, I am reminded of God's design and for that I am so thankful.

I have read The Quest for Love a few times, and am about to start reading it again. There are so many words offered, through scripture, to help in times of waiting. To remind us why we must wait.

Was flipping through just now, and found this, "...the Lord would have to make it clear to a guy that I was not going to make a single move. I reasoned that since I was only interested in marrying a godly man, then I could trust God to lead him to me, for he would be a man attuned to God's voice and would know that God was directing him to pursue me."

That is some seriously grounding, real stuff. If what we want is truly someone that God prompts to us, then we must wait. The end.

Details, people. God doesn't miss the details.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

What is wrong with you? Wait. What is wrong with me?!

One of the many ways that Jesus has refined me over the years is to immediately ask me where I am wrong in situations where I am so quick to judge, hurt, or point a finger. It's so easy to be the victim. To think you've been wronged. But as a follower of Christ, it is mandatory (a) to suffer for His sake, (b) to check yourself and search the depths of you, understanding that we all are dark and only by His grace may we ever see light.

Someone sent me the quote below this morning and it spoke all over my heart, mind and soul.

"Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be." Thomas à Kempis

I prayed last week that God would show me where I was wrong in current areas of my life and why I was in a holding pattern in other areas. He shows in a loving way. In a way that makes me want to care more. To change. To love more. He is the only thing that is steady as a rock. He doesn't change. He loves me in spite of my darkness. He is not exclusive with His love.

Oh, how thankful I am for that love. A love that captured a wretched soul. That same love renews the wretched soul with kindness, mercy, gentleness and love.