Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A few things on my mind.

These are the most recent things I've been working through and wanted to share.

1. Why do people (I will not exclude myself) feel the need to update their status on facebook or twitter with a prayer? For instance, I saw just today someone say "Oh, Lord. We need your awakening. Please come quickly." Now here is where I am: we are called to be doers of God's word, to speak it, proclaim it. But does that mean we are to pray so that others may read it? hmmm. Just a thought. I don't think, in the right context, that offering up a public prayer is wrong. I do think that we are far to concerned that others see us being spiritual. Offering scripture as encouragement and edification is necessary and pure. Asking God to come quickly via facebook seems, well, just weird. There is such an intimacy that God desires from our hearts and minds that I fear we have made public for our own good-reason. Facebook, Twitter, etc are not places to offer up a prayer to the God of the universe. Get on your knees, face down and be intimate with Him. [there is a special note that this is something I am coming to grips with. Don't talk to Jesus via social media. That is dumb. You can talk of Him, but get in His word, or get still to talk to Him.] It's almost like we've become modern day pharisees. That is scary, folks.

2. God surely loves to bless us, and sometimes even when we don't deserve it. I have not been reading my Bible the way I should. As I know the Lord longs for the closeness, it is my loss not His. My life is so much more stable when I am quieted before Him. Well, at least my spirit. Even though I'm not spending as much time with Him as I should in His word, he's teaching me new things daily. One thing is that he loves the details and wants me to quiet down and trust those details. Another is his favor over his children. Although I know reading his word keeps my life stable, I also know that my relationship with him is an all-day, everyday thing. He's good to remind me He's in it for the long haul.

3. My house is almost ready. The house that God built me. If you know me well, you know of many things the Lord has told me about that house. It's the house that God built me, and I pray that it will be a place to bless many others - with his encouragement, his word, his teachings. I am dwelling right now on the word....INVADE.